Black Snake Moan: The Literal Version

I can't help but channel my inner Samuel L. Jackson more often than not recently since learning of the two slithering tenants that took up residency in our crawl space (at least it's not on a plane??) The fact that they've given no references, did not allow a proper background check, and that they're living … Continue reading Black Snake Moan: The Literal Version

The Ugly…Bites Back: A/C Unit 2.0

It comes in threes. Isn't that the old wives tale? Regardless, our adventure takes yet another turn...this time for the crazy unexpected. Duct-work installation went off like clock work yesterday morning. I can't begin to describe just how much torn and crumbling material was torn out from our crawl space but I hear a picture … Continue reading The Ugly…Bites Back: A/C Unit 2.0

Horse Fencing 101: Post Hole Digging Edition

Do you ever find yourself looking over the "how-to's" of a project only to watch everything that can go wrong, do so, once you've already thrown yourself into the heart of it? Well my friends, that's what this continuing experience has become...the seemingly "easy" part of the fence construction process that was estimated to take … Continue reading Horse Fencing 101: Post Hole Digging Edition